Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Lucky Santa Maria - The Santarina =)

Christmas is a time of joyous celebrations, so its seasons greetings for all friends and family out there. 2009 is gonna be a great year despite the economic crisis =)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Angelic Pics

(Lucky can really look cute and angelic at times....)

(When She Wants To.....)

(Then Again under the cute and angelic exterior lies a Super Alpha Samseng Po)
Bite Bite Bite Fight Fight Fight


MIA = Missing In Action

Hi Guys :

daddy's been busy, so while alot has been going on, there hasnt been much updates.
check out benny's blog, he has got a post about me

Clare 2 and Barn 2 also have a post which includes me

daddy promises to post some pics that he has taken with his new camera soon.

Lucky the Ever Nottie, Ever Greedy Corgi

Monday, September 29, 2008

Aunty Zoe's Allergic To Me =) AKA Aunty Zoe's Fabulously Funny Facial Expressions Hee Hee...

Shedding Season is here and daddy says i am shedding like crazy, he claims that he is living in fur and he is contemplating to shave me....

What do u think Aunty Zoe?

Zoe Looks Sick
Aunty Zoe's Nose Is Blocked

Aunty Zoe's Twitching her nose
Ahhh Chooo, Bless U Aunty Zoe
Hee Hee Aunty Zoe Making A Mental Note not to massage me during shedding season
They call me the shedding monster, do i look like a monster?
No Right? Hee hee Sooo Ticklish
She looks happy to hand me over to MaMa =)

(To Shave or not to Shave? Leave me a message!)

Corny Corgi Pics

Hi Everyone Long Time No See, Daddy has been busy and has been giving lots of excuses as to why he hasnt been posting my pics up on the blog.

well anyway suffice it to say that i have been well and nottie =)

last sat daddy brought me to see Aunty Zoe for my regular massage, daddy took lots of pics this time round and he has promised to post them up over the next few days , so stay tuned.
Horny Lucky? =) haha more to come

Friday, July 4, 2008

Fattie and Whiney

Dopey ame over to stay with us for a lil while while his family went for holiday. during his stay, daddy got nottie and renamed us....

He Declared that i am FATTIE And the Dopester was Labeled he is giving the i am not whiney face =) Hee Hee
With Our Powers Combined We R Fattie N Whiney!

OOI If She Is FATTIE, Who Am I??? =) Thats another Post For Another Day!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cake Is So Nice

Cake Is Super, Need I Say More?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Lucky The Disgusting Toe Jam Licking Corgi...

After a hard Day of Werk, i came home and propped my legs up on the bed, and decided to watch a movie. Lucky's being her usual lazy self....
Meanwhile i doze off and Lucky starts her nonsense....she decides to give my toe a lick to see if it tastes good...I Twitch My Toes
And Open My Eyes only to see Lucy Pretending to be innocent
So unsuspectingly i Close My Eyes and go back to sleep
And i start to dream...
Walking along the beach with the sea washing through my toes
The Sand sure is ticklish....
Dream starts to turn into nightmare....
Dreaming of worms crawling through my toes....
I Open My Eyes and ALAMAK its Lucky....... Licking my Toes

Caught In The Act - Lucky The Toe Jam Licker

Monday, April 21, 2008

Sleeping Poses

(i found lucky sleeping in this position the other day and i took a few snaps ) This bright light is bothering me
So i use the Blankey to cover my eyes
Stop disturbing me go away

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Benny's Barkday Pawty

Hi All! Sunday Was Benny's Barkday Pawty, he turns 2 yrs old on April Fools Day, does that mean he is fool daddy?
(Shaddup u impertinent pup) When We Reached The Botanic Gardens, daddy got lost....
i had to read the map to get us to Benny's Pawty.
Long Story Short, we Found Benny and Gang beside the Swan Lake, i was looking to chase some swans but i couldnt find any. Daddy wont let me wander anywhere near the pond.
Yay Its Botanical Benny!
Benny Give Lucky the Evil Eye
Fight Fight
Hee Hee
Rest For A Little While

Shortly After, Rhubarb Came Along

(Rhubard likes lucky...look at him licking his lips heh heh) First we start of with ear smelling, (Rhubard likes the smell of lucky's ears =) )
Invasive Smelling
(Rhubarbs parents had to seperate him)

We Meet Monty's Mummy
Acting Innocent
Jump Her!
(Lucky The Secret Kisser after She Not So Secretly Kissed Benny's Daddy!)
King Monty Arrives!
Botanical Benny Greets King Monty! (This Schnauzer cant believe how eerm large Monty's Posterior is)
Daddy has a thing for plump corgis

It doesnt matter as long as there is food!
We Start By Looking Innocent
We Smell Food!
We See Food!
Benny: No I Saw IT FIRST!
But I Am Faster! Hee Hee
U Luv Me Rite Aunty Zoe?
(After Effects of all that Food, A Fat Full Hppy Contented Pup.....Pampered Pooch)